Designing the Future: Collaborating with High School Students on a Logo Refresh

"Designing the Future: A Collaboration with Edison Career & Technology High School Students" in bold type overlayed on a photo of a classroom table with bright yellow chairs.

Our design team recently embarked on an exciting collaboration with the talented students of Edison Career and Technology High School to reimagine the visual identity of the Montessori School of Rochester. But this project was about much more than creating a new logo—it was about mentorship, creativity, and empowering the next generation of designers.

Breathing New Life Into a Legacy

At the heart of this partnership was a shared goal: to create a logo that reflects the vibrant essence and values of the Montessori School of Rochester. With guidance from our team, the students injected their fresh perspectives into the design process, creating something truly meaningful. Throughout this journey, our focus was on mentorship. We worked closely with the students, showing them how to refine their ideas and navigate the challenges of logo design in a real-world setting.

Impact Beyond the Classroom 

For many high school students, the opportunity to engage with professionals in real-world career scenarios is rare. Our Art Director, MacKenzi Nelson, recognized how invaluable this experience was for the students:

“High school students aren’t often exposed to real-life career scenarios until college,” MacKenzi said. “I hope this experience better prepared them and excited them for their next steps with their design careers. Students—and all people, really—feel valued when others are invested in their success. This is what I feel we’ve brought to this experience, and our mentorship style can hopefully be passed on to others in their life.”

“High school students aren’t often exposed to real-life career scenarios until college,” MacKenzi said. “I hope this experience better prepared them and excited them for their next steps with their design careers. Students—and all people, really—feel valued when others are invested in their success. This is what I feel we’ve brought to this experience, and our mentorship style can hopefully be passed on to others in their life. - Mackenzi Nelson, Art Director" on lilac colored paper texture

Our team led by example, showing the students how to approach design critiques, refine their concepts, and collaborate effectively. This hands-on experience not only sharpened their skills but also gave them a deeper understanding of the design industry—preparing them for future challenges.

Inspiring Future Designers

The project also sparked enthusiasm among the design-oriented students, providing them with a unique opportunity to collaborate with professionals at a young age. Noah Kay, our Senior New Media Designer, reflected on how meaningful mentorship can be for someone early in their career:

“I wish I had mentorship like this when I was their age,” Noah said. “I think that can make a big difference in someone’s path and what they want to do in life.”

“I wish I had mentorship like this when I was their age,” Noah said. “I think that can make a big difference in someone’s path and what they want to do in life. - Noah Kay, Senior New Media Designer" in bold type. The background photo is a walnut wood desk with a tablet that has a typographic "A" sketched on a grid and a bright orange book sitting next to the tablet.

By the end of the project, the students had crafted a dynamic new logo for the Montessori School of Rochester—a symbol that will inspire both their internal and external community for years to come.

This collaboration demonstrates the profound impact that meaningful partnerships can have on the community. What began as a logo redesign grew into something much bigger—a chance for students to learn, create, and shape their futures. As the Montessori School of Rochester rolls out its new logo, we are reminded of the power of mentorship and its ripple effect on the next generation.

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