While some may have authored a viral tweet or created a popular TikTok dance challenge, my social media claim to fame is a pin I created with DIY instructions on how to make a wacky-waving-inflatable-tube-man-costume using laundry hampers. (And yes, that’s my husband in that costume.) Last I checked, the post had been repinned over 20k times .
Pinterest is the social media equivalent of “my happy place.” I am free to browse, get inspired, and learn without being bombarded with friends’ selfies and baby photos, or being blasted with people discussing hot-button political issues.
The way I figure, in a world where the average internet user spent over 2 hours a day on social media in 2019 (ref), why not choose to spend that scroll-time learning something new? This is the main reason I can’t get enough of Pinterest. Compared to other social feeds where I might feel guilty for an hour spent mindlessly scrolling through posts, an hour on Pinterest usually ends with next week’s dinner menu planned, some style inspo for tomorrow’s work day outfit, and a new home renovation project simmering on my mind’s back burner. Getting inspired? Check. Learning something new? Check.
My love of Pinterest goes beyond just my experience as a user. I’m also a huge advocate for this visual search engine from a marketing perspective.
With 1 in 4 Americans on Pinterest (ref), it’s now the third biggest social media platform in the US with 82.4 million monthly active users in 2019 (ref). That kind of clout means Pinterest is at least worth taking into consideration.
And the Pinterest user base is unique. Similar to how users going on LinkedIn are in “professional mode”, Pinterest users are in “learning mode” and “shopping mode” when they log in. The mindset of a Pinner is pretty special. In contrast to other social media where users may be looking purely for entertainment, Pinterest users are looking for information, inspiration, and education. And with a growing user base of men and Gen Z, Pinterest is breaking away from its former stereotype as the social channel that only crafty moms love.
Just by choosing Pinterest alone as an ad platform in your media strategy, you’re putting your ads in front of users who are farther down the consideration and purchase funnels. According to eMarketer, 48% of Pinners are on Pinterest to find and shop for products. That makes Pinners more than 3 times as likely to be in a shopping mindset compared to the other major social platforms (FB, IG, TW, and SN. ref). Personally, I’ve purchased home decor and countless home improvement materials after seeing the product featured in an inspiring or educational pin.
Also, Pinners have some serious buying power, with high-income households being twice as likely to use Pinterest compared to low-income households (ref).
Pinterest users are extremely engaged. They’re not passive scrollers, aimlessly flicking through their feed. They’re reading, watching, repinning, and clicking. For example, we’ve had clients using reach and awareness campaigns for their social strategy, and Pinterest still generated click-through rates (CTRs) and engagement rates (ERs) that set it apart. For one client in particular, their Pinterest awareness campaigns got 3 times higher CTR than Facebook and Instagram reach campaigns, and 6 times higher CTR compared to Snapchat awareness campaigns.This shows how Pinners are at a different point in the buyer’s journey compared to other platforms. They aren’t just seeing ads and scrolling onward, they’re taking action, clicking through, learning more, and (hopefully) buying.
Finally, based purely on the nature of Pinterest’s newsfeed algorithm, your brand’s content has the potential to gain a significant level of organic impressions with no additional ad dollars spent. I’ve seen promoted campaign content generate hundreds of thousands of additional organic impressions due to repinning. I’ve even seen a brand collect 1.2 million organic impressions over a 6-month period, generated alongside their ad campaign because of the high level of user engagement and re-pinning. That’s equivalent to thousands of ad dollars in additional impressions. What other organic channels are getting that level of delivery?
If your brand has information to share, inspiring brand imagery to showcase, or problem-solving products to present, Pinterest could be a strong addition to your social media marketing mix.
Now excuse me while I go find a pin on how to design my own sewing patterns....